%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
={'vmin': -1, 'vmax': 1, 'cmap': 'gray'}
2D STA plotting helper function to quickly check results.
- sta: Frame fitted containing the 2D STA
- param_d: Parameter dictionary of the fit for fit_f
- fit_f: Function used for the fit
- imshow_args: Parameters for imshow
- the two axes list
Helper function to visualize the temporal STA fit.
- sta: STA of the cell`
- param_d: Parameter dictionary of the fit for fit_f
- QI: Quality index of the fit
- fit_f: Function used for the fit to plot
- ax: Axis where to plot the figure. If None, a new figure is created
- The axis of the figure
Helper function to visualize the fit of a cell response to a chirp_am stimulus.
- cell_mean: Cell's mean response to the stimulus
- param_d: Parameter dictionary of the fit for fit_f
- QI: Quality index of the fit
- fit_f: Function used for the fit
- start: Where the fit started in index of cell_mean
- stop: Where the fit stopped in index of cell_mean
- ax: Axis where to plot the figure. If None, a new figure of size (50,2) is created
- The axis of the figure
=[None, None, None, None, None]
=[1.875, 3.75, 7.5, 15, 30]
=[2, 2, 2, 1, 1]
Helper function to visualize the fit of a cell response to a chirp_freq_epoch stimulus.
- cell_mean: Cell's mean response to the stimulus
- param_d_l: Parameters dictionary list of the fits for fit_f
- QI_l: Quality index list of the fits
- fit_f: Function used for the fit
- freqs: Frequency list of the epochs in Hz
- durations: Duration list of the epochs
- start: Where the fit started in index of cell_mean
- sampling_rate: Sampling rate of the response in Hz
- ax: Axis where to plot the figure. If None, a new figure of size (50,2) is created
- The axis of the figure
Helper function to visualize the transiency fit of a cell response to the ON-OFF stimulus.
- cell_mean: Cell's mean response to the stimulus. start and stop parameters must correspond to where the fit was done in the given cell_mean
- param_d: Parameter dictionary of the fit for fit_f
- peak: Peak returned by `modelling.fit_transiency`, where the response decay begin
- start: Start position in cell_mean of the fitted cell_mean
- stop: Stop position in cell_mean of the fitted cell_mean. If None, it is set to len(cell_mean)
- QI: Quality index of the fit
- fit_f: Function used for the fit to plot
- sampling_rate: Sampling rate of the response in Hz
- ax: Axis where to plot the figure. If None, a new figure is created
- The axis of the figure
Helper function to visualize the nonlinearity fit.
- nonlinearity: Cell's nonlinearity computed by `processing.process_nonlinearity`
- param_d: Parameter dictionary of the fit for fit_f
- QI: Quality index of the fit
- fit_f: Function used for the fit to plot
- ax: Axis where to plot the figure. If None, a new figure is created
- The axis of the figure
={'width': 0.13, 'length_includes_head': True, 'lw': 2, 'zorder': 5, 'alpha': 0.5, 'edgecolor': 'black'}
Polar plot for direction and orientation response of a cell processed by processing.direction_selectivity
- ds_dict: The dictionary containing the cells DS and OS
- cell_idx: The index of the cell in the response
- ax: The axis for the plot. If None, a new plot is created
- arrow_params: Parameters for the arrow of the preferred orientation and direction (from the p_values)
- The axis of the plot
={'width': 0.13, 'length_includes_head': True, 'lw': 2, 'zorder': 5, 'alpha': 0.5, 'edgecolor': 'black'}
={'cmap': 'gray', 'vmin': -1, 'vmax': 1, 'aspect': 'auto', 'interpolation': 'nearest'}
Plot the response to a 1D spatial stimulus like Flickering_bars.
- sta: The STA to the 1D stimulus
- pval: p-value of the response (float)
- ax: The axis for the plot. If None, a new plot is created
- imshow_params: Parameters for the plotted image
- The axis of the figure
Plot the STA response of a cell to a fullfield stimulus.
- sta: The t-STA of the cell
- pval: p-value of the response (float)
- ax: The axis for the plot. If None, a new plot is created
- The axis of the plot
Plot the response to a chirp stimulus (but could be any repeated stimulus, non-shuffled). The response is plotted with seaborn's lineplot.
- stim_inten: The whole stimulus intensity
- spike_bins: The cell's response to the whole stimulus
- n_repeats: Number of stimulus repetitions. If None, it will try to guess it.
- smooth: Flag to smooth or not the cell's response
- frame_rate: Frame rate of the stimulus
- ax: The axis for the plot. If None, a new plot is created
- The axis of the plot
Plot the spike template obtained with phy for a silicone probe.
- cluster_composition: List of phy format clusters corresponding to that cell
- phy_dict: Phy result dictionnary
- shanks_idx: Idx of shanks for the channels obtained with `utils.get_shank_channels`
- ax: The axis for the plot. If None, a new plot is created
- The axis of the plot
Plot the spike template obtained with phy for a silicone probe.
- cluster_composition: List of phy format clusters corresponding to that cell
- phy_dict: Phy result dictionnary
- shanks_idx: Idx of shanks for the channels obtained with `utils.get_shank_channels`
- ax: The axis for the plot. If None, a new plot is created
- The axis of the plot
Plot the spike template obtained with phy for a micro electrode array.
- cluster_composition: List of phy format clusters corresponding to that cell
- templates: All templates of phy format
- channel_positions: Positions of the channels by idx from phy format
- ax: The axis for the plot. If None, a new plot is created
- The axis of the plot
Plot the cell's response autocorrelogram
- cluster: Cluster id of the cell
- spike_times: Times of all spikes in phy format
- spike_clusters: cluster associated to the spikes in phy format
- bin_ms: Size of the autocorrelogram bin in ms
- sampling_rate: Sampling rate of the electrophysiology
- tails: Size of the tails for the autocorrelogram
- ax: The axis for the plot. If None, a new plot is created
- The axis of the plot
Plot a subset of all spikes amplitudes of a cell.
- cluster: Cluster id of the cell
- spike_templates: Original templates id in phy format
- spike_times: Times of all spikes in phy format
- spike_clusters: cluster associated to the spikes in phy format
- amplitudes: Spike amplitudes in phy format
- n_max_dots: Max limit for the number of spikes to not overload the plot
- ax: The axis for the plot. If None, a new plot is created
- The axis of the plot
Plot a subset of all spikes amplitudes of a cell.
- cluster: Cluster id of the cell
- spike_templates: Original templates id in phy format
- spike_times: Times of all spikes in phy format
- spike_clusters: cluster associated to the spikes in phy format
- amplitudes: Spike amplitudes in phy format
- n_max_dots: Max limit for the number of spikes to not overload the plot
- ax: The axis for the plot. If None, a new plot is created
- The axis of the plot
Plot the calcium trace of a cell.
- cell_trace: Calcium trace of a cell
- ax: The axis for the plot. If None, a new plot is created
- The axis of the plot
Add the stimulus epochs to a spike response of a cell.
- reM: The Record_Master containing the synchronized stimuli
- y_pos: The y position of the stimuli
- ax: The axis for the plot. If None, a new plot is created
- The axis of the plot
Add the stimulus epochs to a calcium response of a cell.
- reM: The Record_Master containing the synchronized stimuli
- y_pos: The y position of the stimuli
- ax: The axis for the plot. If None, a new plot is created
- The axis of the plot
Plot the cell spatial mask obtained with CaImAn.
- cell_spatial: The 2D image of the cell
- ax: The axis for the plot. If None, a new plot is created
- The axis of the plot
Plot the recap table obtained with utils.stim_recap_df
- df: the dataframe of the stim recap
- ax: The axis for the plot. If None, a new plot is created
- The axis of the plot
Plot in a single image the spatial mask of all cell of a record, obtained with CaImAn.
- A_matrix: the A matrix given by CaImAn (h*w, n_cell) or the 2D reshaped A_matrix (n_cell, h, w)
- ax: The axis for the plot. If None, a new plot is created
- shape: Shape of a single cell image if A_matrix is native, e.g. (256, 256). If None, it assumes it's a square and tries to guess the shape.
- The axis of the plot
Plot in a single image all 2D STAs of a single record. The STA are fitted with a gaussian, and plotted as ellipses.
- stas: All STAs of the cells of shape (n_cell, t, height, width)
- ax: The axis for the plot. If None, a new plot is created
- The axis of the plot
Plot a single 2D STA or an iterable of 2D STAs
- sta: Array of shape (h, w) or of shape (n_sta, h, w)
- gs: GridSpec for the plotting. If None, defined automatically
- pval: Minimal p-value of the whole
- title: Title to give to the GridSpec
- the GridSpec
to_plot = np.random.rand(24,10,32)*2-1
gs = plot_2d_sta(to_plot, gs=gridspec.GridSpec(6, 4), pval=0.008)
, **scatter_args
Plot the dome LED as flat.
- sph_pos: Spherical coordinates of the LED (e.g. obtained with `leddome.get_dome_positions`)
- ax: The axis for the plot. Needs to be polar projection. If None, a new plot is created
- scatter_args: Args for the scatter plot, such as the dots individual colors
- The axis of the plot
Plot a single 2D STA or an iterable of 2D STAs for the LED dome
- sta: Array of shape (h, w) or of shape (n_sta, h, w)
- s: The dot size
- gs: GridSpec for the plotting. If None, defined automatically
- pval: Minimal p-value of the whole
- title: Title to give to the GridSpec
- led_position: Led position to plot, in shape (4,237,3)
- the GridSpec
Plotting of the averaged response to omitted stimuli (ON & OFF).
- response_d_ON: Dictionnary of the response to ON omitted stimuli (from utils.group_omitted_epochs)
- response_d_OFF: Dictionnary of the response to OFF omitted stimuli
- cell_idx: index of the cell to plot
- n_fr_cycle: Number of frame of (flash + interval between flashes)
- gs: Gridspec where to plot the ON and OFF responses. Should have len == 2
- the GridSpec
Plot the correlation matrix between the sta's pixels, and their value distribution with a histogram.
- The axis of the two plots, (ax_corr, ax_hist)
Plot a histogram of the singular value decomposition of an STA. params:
- sta: The STA to decompose
- The axis of the figure
Plot a nonlinearity with the bins that were used (in L2 norm) params:
- nonlinearity: The nonlinearity to plot
- bins: Bins used by [`process_nonlinearity`](/theonerig/processing.html#process_nonlinearity) to make that nonlinearity
- label: Label of this trace
- ax: Axis where to plot the figure. If None, a new figure is created
- The axis of the figure
='visual stim'
Cross-correlation with lag plotting helper function.
- behav: String with name of behavioral signal to be analysed
- corr_behav_lag: Array of values of the cross-correlation between behavioral signal and spiking signal (output of 'utils.cross_corr_with_lag')
- p_value_peak: P-value of the peak correlation between behavioral signal and spiking signal (output of 'utils.cross_corr_with_lag')
- offset_peak: Offset value in seconds of the peak correlation value from the centered correlation value (output of 'utils.cross_corr_with_lag')
- null_dist_behav: Null distribution of correlation values (output of 'utils.cross_corr_with_lag')
- fps: Sampling rate
- seconds: Window in seconds of the correlation lag
- color_line: Color of plotted line
- title: Title of the plot
- ax: The axis for the plot
- The axis of the figure
Set the fontsize and other style of matplotlib and seaborn for the recap plots. Call sns.set() and plt.rcdefaults() to restore defaults parameters.
Plot the recap pdf of in vivo electrophy records.
- title_dict: A dictionnary containing the str info for the title: keys(condition, date, record_name, record_id)
- reM: The record master object of the record
- phy_dict: A dictionnary containing the results from phy (see utils.phy_results_dict())
- cluster_ids: A list of the cluster id used by phy, to plot. Usually the cells classified as good.
- df_stim: Stimulus dataframe recap of their syncronisation obtained with `utils.stim_recap_df`
- cell_db_ids: A list of the database ids of the cells corresponding to cluster_ids.
- checkerboard: A matrix of STA of cells to the checkerboard stimulus of shape (n_cell, 16, height, width)
- fullfield_fl: A matrix of STA of cells to the fullfield_flicker stimulus of shape (n_cell, 16)
- fl_bars: A matrix of STA of cells to the flickering_bars stimulus of shape (n_cell, 16, height, width)
- chirp_am: A tuple of the chirp_am obtained from a pipe, where [0] is the stimulus and [1] the cells response
- chirp_fm: Same as chirp_am but for a chirp_fm stimulus
- moving_gratings: The dict of response obtained from `utils.group_direction_response`
- water: A matrix of STA of cells to the water stimulus of shape (n_cell, 16, height, width)
- export_path: The path for a pdf file to be exported. If None, the plot is displayed.
Plot the recap pdf of in vivo electrophy records for spike sorting run with Kilosort2.
- title_dict: A dictionnary containing the str info for the title: keys(condition, date, record_name, record_id)
- reM: The record master object of the record
- phy_dict: A dictionnary containing the results from phy (see utils.phy_results_dict())
- cluster_ids: A list of the cluster id used by phy, to plot. Usually the cells classified as good.
- df_stim: Stimulus dataframe recap of their syncronisation obtained with `utils.stim_recap_df`
- cell_db_ids: A list of the database ids of the cells corresponding to cluster_ids.
- checkerboard: A matrix of STA of cells to the checkerboard stimulus of shape (n_cell, 16, height, width)
- fullfield_fl: A matrix of STA of cells to the fullfield_flicker stimulus of shape (n_cell, 16)
- fl_bars: A matrix of STA of cells to the flickering_bars stimulus of shape (n_cell, 16, height, width)
- chirp_am: A tuple of the chirp_am obtained from a pipe, where [0] is the stimulus and [1] the cells response
- chirp_fm: Same as chirp_am but for a chirp_fm stimulus
- moving_gratings: The dict of response obtained from `utils.group_direction_response`
- water: A matrix of STA of cells to the water stimulus of shape (n_cell, 16, height, width)
- export_path: The path for a pdf file to be exported. If None, the plot is displayed.
Plot the recap pdf of in vivo calcium records.
- title_dict: A dictionnary containing the str info for the title: keys(condition, date, record_name, record_id)
- reM: The record master object of the record
- A_matrix: A matrix of the cell spatial components obtained from CaImAn
- cell_traces: Cells raw traces (C or S_matrix from CaImAn)
- df_stim: Stimulus dataframe recap of their syncronisation obtained with `utils.stim_recap_df`
- cell_indexes: A list of the indexes of the cell to plot. Leave to None for plotting all of them.
- cell_db_ids: A list of the database ids of the cells corresponding to cluster_ids.
- checkerboard: A matrix of STA of cells to the checkerboard stimulus of shape (n_cell, 64, height, width)
- fullfield_fl: A matrix of STA of cells to the fullfield_flicker stimulus of shape (n_cell, 64)
- chirp_am: A tuple of the chirp_am obtained from a pipe, where [0] is the stimulus and [1] the cells response
- chirp_fm: Same as chirp_am but for a chirp_fm stimulus
- moving_gratings: The dict of response obtained from `utils.group_direction_response`
- water: A matrix of STA of cells to the water stimulus of shape (n_cell, 16, height, width)
- export_path: The path for a pdf file to be exported. If None, the plot is displayed.
Plot the recap pdf of in vitro electrophy records.
- title_dict: A dictionnary containing the str info for the title: keys(condition, date, record_name, record_id)
- reM: The record master object of the record
- phy_dict: A dictionnary containing the results from phy (see utils.phy_results_dict())
- cluster_ids: A list of the cluster id used by phy, to plot. Usually the cells classified as good.
- df_stim: Stimulus dataframe recap of their syncronisation obtained with `utils.stim_recap_df`
- cell_db_ids: A list of the database ids of the cells corresponding to cluster_ids.
- checkerboard: A matrix of STA of cells to the checkerboard stimulus of shape (n_cell, 16, height, width)
- fullfield_fl: A matrix of STA of cells to the fullfield_flicker stimulus of shape (n_cell, 16)
- fl_bars: A matrix of STA of cells to the flickering_bars stimulus of shape (n_cell, 16, height, width)
- chirp_am: A tuple of the chirp_am obtained from a pipe, where [0] is the stimulus and [1] the cells response
- chirp_fm: Same as chirp_am but for a chirp_fm stimulus
- moving_gratings: The dict of response obtained from `utils.group_direction_response`
- export_path: The path for a pdf file to be exported. If None, the plot is displayed.
Plot the recap pdf of in vivo electrophy records with the LED dome as stimuluation device.
- title_dict: A dictionnary containing the str info for the title: keys(condition, date, record_name, record_id)
- reM: The record master object of the record
- phy_dict: A dictionnary containing the results from phy (see utils.phy_results_dict())
- cluster_ids: A list of the cluster id used by phy, to plot. Usually the cells classified as good.
- df_stim: Stimulus dataframe recap of their syncronisation obtained with `utils.stim_recap_df`
- cell_db_ids: A list of the database ids of the cells corresponding to cluster_ids.
- checkerboard: A matrix of STA of cells to the checkerboard stimulus of shape (n_cell, Hw>=8, height, width)
- fullfield_fl_100Hz: A matrix of STA of cells to the fullfield_flicker at 100Hz stimulus of shape (n_cell, Hw)
- fullfield_fl_200Hz: A matrix of STA of cells to the fullfield_flicker at 200Hz stimulus of shape (n_cell, Hw)
- chirp_fm: A tuple of the chirp_fm obtained from a pipe, where [0] is the stimulus and [1] the cells response
- wave: The dict of response obtained from `utils.wave_direction_selectivity`
- export_path: The path for a pdf file to be exported. If None, the plot is displayed.
Plot the recap pdf of in vivo electrophy records.
- title_dict: A dictionary containing the str info for the title: keys(condition, date, record_name, record_id)
- reM: The record master object of the record
- phy_dict: A dictionary containing the results from phy (see utils.phy_results_dict())
- cluster_ids: A list of the cluster id used by phy, to plot. Usually the cells classified as good.
- df_stim: Stimulus dataframe recap of their syncronisation obtained with `utils.stim_recap_df`
- behavs: A list with behavioral signal names from reM to plot the correlation with spiking signal
- conversion_factor_treadmill: The value to convert the treadmill signal into cm/s
- removeslowdrifts: Boolean:
False - does not remove slow drifts from the signal, for the correlation analysis;
True - removes slow drifts by extracting a specified percentile within moving window from the signal, for the correlation analysis.
- cell_db_ids: A list of the database ids of the cells corresponding to cluster_ids.
- checkerboard: A matrix of STA of cells to the checkerboard stimulus of shape (n_cell, 16, height, width)
- fullfield_fl: A matrix of STA of cells to the fullfield_flicker stimulus of shape (n_cell, 16)
- fl_bars: A matrix of STA of cells to the flickering_bars stimulus of shape (n_cell, 16, height, width)
- chirp_am: A tuple of the chirp_am obtained from a pipe, where [0] is the stimulus and [1] the cells response
- chirp_fm: Same as chirp_am but for a chirp_fm stimulus
- moving_gratings: The dict of response obtained from `utils.group_direction_response`
- water: A matrix of STA of cells to the water stimulus of shape (n_cell, 16, height, width)
- export_path: The path for a pdf file to be exported. If None, the plot is displayed.
Plot the recap pdf of cells for wholefieldness evaluation
Plot the recap pdf of cells for wholefieldness evaluation (with LED dome)
Plot the recap pdf of vitroHirokiChecker cells for wholefieldness evaluation
- title_dict: A dictionnary containing the str info for the title: keys(condition, date, record_name, record_id)
- cells_idx: A list of the cells index to plot
- checkerboard: A matrix of STA of cells to the checkerboard stimulus of shape (n_cell, 16, height, width)
- export_path: The path for a pdf file to be exported. If None, the plot is displayed.